Every June, the Mad River Staff get together and clean up the Snake River. Guides maneuver rafts over Big Kahuna and Lunchcounter rapids in search of trash and debris (the river is no place for a car transmission). Mad River is proud to help organize such an event and with the majority of Jackson's Rafting and Fishing outfitters participating in the day-long river clean up, community commitment for a clean river environment is clear. Mad River takes pride in the unique resource we have here and we make every effort to keep it pristine.
Mad River created and sponsors the Read to Raft Program in Jackson Hole. By reading 20 minutes a day for four months, local students in Jackson win a raft trip for themselves and a parent or guardian. The Teton Literacy Program partners with Mad River to act as a liaison for the Spanish speaking families in our community to help the Read to Raft Program be a success. Read to Raft gives children an incentive to read and aligns with the Forest Service's push to get more kids outdoors using our natural resources. In a day when indoor electronics captures attention, this program rewards children with a chance to enjoy nature, learning to appreciate and protect wilderness for future use.
"Snake River Days is an incredibly fun, adventure-filled, and active 5 day camp for middle school age youth (entering 6th - 8th grade). The theme of this program is to introduce youth to the Snake River Watershed through activities and experiences that include river hydrology, flat water canoeing and kayaking, aquatic entomology, fly fishing, plant, mammal and bird exploration, and a first look at the scenic and whitewater sections of the Snake River." Mad River is proud to support this program by offering rafts and guides for the camp's scenic/whitewater camping trip. Find out more information from the Snake River Fund.
Mad River supports the Snake River Fund by donating a portion of its proceeds from every guest we take down the Snake River. We believe in the Snake River Fund's vision to protect the beauty of the Snake River and keep our fees local. "It is the Fund's vision that the Snake River Watershed will remain a vibrant and diverse ecosystem for many generations to come to enjoy in a responsible manner. It is the Fund's goal to ensure that will happen." - Snake River Fund
With a goal of getting every 5th grade classroom in Jackson Hole on the river for a day, the 5th Grade River Trip is truly a "hands-on" learning experience. More than 500 local Jackson students have participated in the day program over the past three years, a learning experience that provides them with an introduction to the Snake River Watershed and ties in that experience with concepts they learn in the classroom. The Snake River Fund and Jackson Hole Parks and Recreation work with area teachers to incorporate classroom material into the river trip and in turn the river experience is reinforced in the classroom. Mad River is proud to support our area youth experiencing the wonder of the Snake River.