Total Solar Eclipse Coming to Wyoming in August

What are you doing on the 21 st of August?
Coming to Jackson Hole maybe? Thinking very hard about coming to Jackson Hole, Wyoming? Already made the final decision to come to Jackson Hole?
That is an EXCELLENT choice, my friend! August 21 st is going to be a day for the record books – but only if your eyes are to the sky. The sky above Jackson Hole, more specifically, being among the best for the day.
A little after 11:30 am that day, if you happen to be lucky enough to be here in Jackson Hole with a clear summer sky you will get to see a full solar eclipse! For all the kids reading out there, that means the moon is going to pass directly between the Sun and the Earth and it will look like the moon is covering the Sun completely and blocking its light for a couple of minutes.
I hope there is no need to emphasize exactly how awesome this will be. Scientists, amateur astronomers, and grade school teachers wait years for something this cool to happen.
In honor of this rarity, hotels in Jackson Hole have been getting booked out since LAST AUGUST. We are directly in the path of totality, and people want to see it here. Who can blame them really?
To make the most out of such a rare experience we have set up a special trip that is already filling up fast. Aptly named the “Solar Eclipse Special“, this trips offers you a view of this astrological show on the Snake River at Mad River’s exclusive riverside camp. This trip is available in both our Classic (16-man) rafts and our Small (8-man) rafts. So come enjoy some awesome whitewater rapids, lunch, and an eclipse to post all over social media and make your friends even more jealous than they already are 😉